Follow my blog with Bloglovin Life and Flavours: NATIONAL TEARS

quinta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2017


Unfortunately, Portugal was hit by a huge tragedy this year resulting from gigantic fires taking the lives of more than a hundred people and destroying a huge part of the national forest. Serious mismanagement, miscoordination and criminal hand-over have culminated in this tragic outcome.

I want to pay tribute to all who defended and did what they could to save people, animals, nature and goods. A great thank you to the Portuguese firefighters, doctors, nurses, Police PSP, GNR guards, military and civilians who did everything to help.

I share this beautiful text from the site "Aldeias de Portugal (Villages of Portugal)" because it is a wonderful apology and homage to all the people who suffer the hardships resulting from the evils of this world.


My dear sir, I do not know you but I dare to write you these words as I felt as this look that embraces us all! I am crying as I write to you, do you know? Because I see in this gaze a total emptiness of hope, the hope that one day, with your sweat, all of you who have worked since you began to walk,and everything you offered to the generations, these same generations that today treat you like garbage! I cry, I cry a lot, because I know how isolated and abandoned you live, as if you were worthless, that shames those who wear ties and that never worked seriously in life! I weep because I know that many of you die between sighs of cries and cries for help, without any of us even trying to listen to you! I cry because what burned down today was not just the simple homes that protected you from the rain, what was discovered today was the social horror in which millions of you in the Interior live daily! I cry because I know that many of you have never had a vacation, cultivating soils under sun, rain and even hail, treating animals that fed us day by day, treating the Earth as one who treats a child, the same Earth who today uses you to shout to the world that you are sorry for what happened to you! How can you not weep at the tender empty look at life !? How can you not weep at the simplicity of a dirty shirt that should cover the shame of those who wear a tie and of cars that cost more than building a house? As a Portuguese born in the "modern" times, who uses and abuses the luxuries built with the money of your sweat, I can not help crying for your forgiveness! Sorry! Forgive us for all the evil that we are doing to you! Sorry for our apathy at all this! Pardon! A thousand times forgiveness! A fair country and good people would never abandon you to your fate! I could say here that you should be more proactive, but that would be no shame to anyone who worked a lifetime, and old enough, deserved more than respect, deserved consideration, dedication and passion. Excuse me, my rich master, in my name, in the name of a country that I love because you made me love it, but not this country that wants to foist on us, a country without values, without respect and without love for those who gave so much to the homeland of all of us. Excuse me, my rich master! How I would like to know you, hold you and listen, and give you a little of me to comfort you. Hoping that life brings us together. 

Text: Paulo Costa 
Photo: Adriano Miranda - Public Newspaper

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