Follow my blog with Bloglovin Life and Flavours: HEALTHY CHOCOLATE MOUSSE

quarta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2017


Chocolate Mousse when made with good ingredients can be very nutritious, healthy and tasty. 

This recipe is made with dark chocolate (bitter). This ingredient improves the functioning of the heart, blood circulation and prevents cancer due to anti oxidants, stimulates the central nervous system and triggers a feeling of well being due to the release of the hormone serotonin (mood and joy).


Recipe for 6 people
  •     1 Black Chocolate Tablet (minimum 70% Cocoa)
  •     6 eggs
  •     3 teaspoons of brown sugar
  •     1 teaspoon Coffee (optional)

Break the chocolate into pieces and melt it in a bain-marie (water bath).
The link where I explain how this method is performed is: 

Beat the egg whites until they´re firm and put them in the refrigerator.Then beat the egg yolks with the brown sugar for about 10 minutes. Stir this mixture very well until it starts to form bubbles.Add the melted chocolate and coffee (optional) to the eggs, mixing well to a homogeneous mixture.

To finish, carefully fold in the egg whites so that they are still whole but not visible in the mousse.Take the dessert to the refrigerator in small bowls or in a larger one and let it set for about 5 hours. 

Your delicious dessert is ready!  Enjoy it!

Please leave your comments about the recipe. I´d like to hear from you! 

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